Sustainability Policy

Classic Cake has a strongly held commitment to sustainability and such practices are an integral part of our corporate culture and business operations. At its core is an unwavering dedication to delivering “better for you” desserts made with only the finest, freshest ingredients. Our artisan recipes create the extraordinary, blending the best in taste with an unsurpassed level of detail. To this we add an unparalleled quality service with a customer-centric and collaborative approach to exceed expectations through innovation, efficiency, flexibility and sustainability.
At Classic Cake, our Sustainable Practices are based on the following principles and practical steps:
Integrate Sustainability innovations into all business decisions
– Manufacture products in conformance, in all material aspects, with leading agencies:
· Federal Food Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
· Applicable federal, state and municipal regulations and codes of practice.
· Food Safety and Quality Standards- SQF Level 2 Certification and HACCP.
· Classic Cake is RSPO certified. Upon request we can supply RSPO certified cheesecakes containing certified sustainable palm oil.
– Purchase raw materials, packaging, and production supplies from approved manufacturers who comply with strict safety and quality standards.
Conserve, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
– Combine shipments to minimize the impact on sustainability for transportation.
– Minimize use of paper by:
· Purchasing paper products made of recycled material (where applicable)
· Recycling cardboard and paper program
· Reuse paper products
· Utilizing paperless alternatives such as email, scan, paperless billing and e-commerce.
– Seek to purchase utilities from suppliers committed to renewable energy.
– Incorporate sustainable, energy-saving practices by purchasing energy efficient equipment and low-energy LEDs and powering down lights and equipment when not in use.
Advocacy, Education and Engagement
– Purchase, partner and promote fair-trade and/or organic products.
– Unite with charitable environmental organizations and the local community.
– Create awareness of our sustainability policy with customers, suppliers, business partners and staff to encourage further use of sound practices.
Classic Cake recognizes and accepts the commitment and investment of resources outlined in this Sustainability Policy. We are committed to establishing a platform of ongoing sustainable performance improvement through proper design, effective implementation, and an emphasis on continuing and never-ending quality improvement. This commitment of resiliency will benefit the company, its customers and the environment by reducing our environmental footprint and increasing our positive social impact.
Retail Location
Classic Cake Cherry Hill
480 E Evesham Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(856) 751 - 5448
Call for all special occasion cakes, cake consultations and everyday cakes.